[SCCC] New Gain ANT for N6NC Skimmer

H Lawrence Serra hlserra at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 26 17:53:35 PDT 2012

I am happy to announce the successful installation of of a permanent gain antenna for the N6NC Skimmer for 20-15-10m aimed 045T from San Diego CA. Thanks to Bill N6WS, Tim N6WIN, and installation by Ed N6GZI, we now have an A3 tribander (minus the director) permanently installed for daytime high band operation, along with the PA0RDT active antenna for nightime low band (plus 20m) coverage.
You can log into N6NC Skimmer by telnet at:
telnet n6ncskimmer.ath.cx 7300
We are working on a software bridge to allow you to log into the skimmer's cumulative running telnet spots log on port 7550, which will allow you to review the last several days of 24 hour a day spots as a propagation tool before contests or to see when the DX openings are happening.
73, Larry N6NC

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