[SCCC] Off Topic but Still Ham Radio related Query - 2 Mtrs etc in a Prius Model "C"

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 00:08:32 EST 2012

Wonder if anyone has managed not to violate Toyota warranty and got a 2 Mtr
radio ( or even HF ) working in a Prius,

Friend has a New Model "C" and asked. I told him he better hook up with
another Prius owner

on how they got ny not violating warranty or "sticking" the gas pedal

when they transmitted etc !

Send me you knowledge/suggestions and I'll pass them on.

My first reaction to my ham friend was,.... "Good Luck ! " ....but maybe
there is a way around this dilemma !

Thanks and Happy Holidays

73, Dennis N6KI

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