[SCCC] [sddxcnews] Off Topic but Still Ham Radio related Query - 2 Mtrs etc in a Prius Model "C"

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Wed Dec 26 02:40:32 EST 2012

Since the new models use essentially the same "synergy drive" (the source of most of the noise, I'm told) as the 2nd-generation models, you may be able to use what has been learned on the 2003+ Prius.  A member of the PAPA System has dug into this extensively, as I recall, although I believe the result was the need for a complex custom shielding arrangement.  You might ask Cecil WD6FZA  if he either remembers who it is or will post a PAPASYS message for you.

73 & HNY

Marty N6VI

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Glenn Rattmann 
  To: sddxcnews at yahoogroups.com ; SCCC Reflector 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [SCCC] [sddxcnews] Off Topic but Still Ham Radio related Query - 2 Mtrs etc in a Prius Model "C"

  Off hand I don't know what kind of RFI resources might be on the ARRL 
  Web but maybe search there....
  Next, I would email the RFI folks at ARRL to see if they have had any 
  feedback from other members.  Then there is the RFI reflector, maybe 
  something there in the archives-- or post a new question.
  --Glenn K6NA

  At 09:08 PM 12/24/2012, Dennis Vernacchia wrote:
  >Wonder if anyone has managed not to violate Toyota warranty and got 
  >a 2 Mtr radio ( or even HF ) working in a Prius,

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