[SCCC] NAQP 2012 SSB - WQ6X Single Op LP

Ron Fitch (WQ6X) Ron at WQ6X.Info
Sat Jan 21 22:48:40 PST 2012

Call: WQ6X
Operator(s): WQ6X
Station: WQ6X/6
Team #: 3.

Class: Single Op LP
    Band  QSOs  Mults
    160:  001    01
     80:  009    04
     40:  044    26
     20:  029    22
     15:  026    18
     10:  012    07
Total:  121    78  Total Score = 9,438

Part 2 of the January 2012 NAQP Was conducted once again from an urban site in
Concord Ca. Altho the solar flux was 142, 10-m was not able to deliver much;
even 15 left much to be desired, altho the JA's&  RZ0 were a Bonus. 20,15&  10
were plagued by a slowwwww fade.

Despite the use of RF chokes on the roll-up keyboard and trackball cables, 80-m 160-m
and even 40-m at times would RF the Toshiba laptop heavily enough causing it to
enter suspend mode (luckily it didn't reboot) - once in awhile it would also
power it right back on.  I was prepared to log 80/160 on paper w/o the laptop.

Some of the WHACKY names certainly tweaked my right-brain aural-filters - TCG?
AG?  What kind of names are those?

Equipment: ICOM 7000 + Heil PRO headset&  Kenwood TS-450sat + a classic D-104
both into a ground-mounted Butternut HF2-V Vertical w/a load of radials.


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