[SCCC] ST2AR, 80M QSO, QRT in 8 days

Ray Benny rayn6vr at cableone.net
Wed Mar 7 21:43:45 PST 2012


For those of you who are working band countries, here's some info on ST2AR,
aka, S53R.

I got lucky this evening, I finally got thru to ST2AR on 80m at 0355z after
trying for almost a month. He was dirt weak, 449 w/QSB at best. He
apparently has local QRM and does not hear well at times. During the past
month I have called him when I can hear him, but he had never heard me.

Robert is on every morning at his sunrise, about 0340z on 3521.2Mhz calling
CQ. He listens up 1Khz, but if he has alot of callers Robert suggests you
call a Khz higher yet. He works alot of EU, then East Coasters and very
few West Coasters. At about 0400z he QSYs to 7.003Mhz and is more workable

The big news is that Robert will be going QRT from ST2 land in 8 days. We
don't have much time left. I run full output to a sloper at about 65ft off
my main tower. It does seem to work well.

Give a listen and see what you hear.


Chino Valley, AZ

PS, Robert is reachable by email.

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