[SCCC] 2310 N. Vermont

w4ef at dellroy.com w4ef at dellroy.com
Mon Mar 12 18:41:25 PDT 2012

	Thanks Tim and Wayne for helping to solve the mystery. Do you guys
mind if I forward this to the "TowerTalk" email reflector. That's
where this question came up.  

	73, Mike W4EF.......

	P.S. Don't throw away those old callbooks :-) 
----- Original Message -----
 From:Wayne Overbeck 
Sent:Sat, 10 Mar 2012 22:33:14 -0800 (PST)
Subject:[SCCC] 2310 N. Vermont

There may be a very interesting story about the 
antenna visible at 2310 N. Vermont in the 1983 movie.

According to the ARRL Geographic Index of U.S. amateur 
radio licensees, published in 1984 with data from the 
1983 FCC data base, no license was issued to 2310 N. 
Vermont. However, two very prominent people held 
amateur radio licenses at 2324 N. Vermont. With 
Vermont curving around as it does, an antenna at the 
rear of 2324 would appear to be directly behind 2310 
N. Vermont. No other address on that part of North 
Vermont is shown in the Geographic Index as having 
an amateur license assigned to it.

Louis and Carmen Warschaw, well-known philantropists 
and Democratic party activists, were listed as N6FGH 
and KD6OE at 2324 N. Vermont in the Geographic Index. 
Both were deeply involved with their alma mater, USC. 
I believe Carmen served as a USC trustee after her 
husband's death. She also served as chairman of the 
California Fair Employment Practices Commission 
(among other positions). She was active in many 
Democratic campaigns, including the Obama-Biden 
campaign in 2008. She also held an advanced class 
amateur radio license.

Publishing the ARRL Geographic Index, the ARRL
Name Index and the ARRL Call Directory were a one-
time venture into the call directory publishing 
business, in direct competition with the famous 
Amateur Radio Callbook. A decision was made to 
discontinue these three directories shortly 
after I began attending ARRL board meetings as 
the Southwestern Division vice director. But 
I still have the original directories as 
souvenirs. This is the first time in years 
that I've found a good reason to open them.

Probably others remember more than I do of the 
Warschaws' involvement in amateur radio.

Wayne, N6NB

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