[SCCC] Fw: [NCCC] In memory of George Varvitsiotes, K6SV, Cal Poly ARC - Antenna Tower Ceremony Sep. 15th, 3pm

Jim Neiger n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 13 23:47:46 EDT 2012

From: Bob Wilson, N6TV 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 3:47 PM
To: NCCC Reflector 
Subject: [NCCC] In memory of George Varvitsiotes, K6SV, Cal Poly ARC - Antenna Tower Ceremony Sep. 15th, 3pm

September 12th, 2012 


Contact: Marcel Stieber

Club Co-Advisor, 805-756-2737

mstieber at calpoly.edu

Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club Antenna Tower Induction Ceremony on Saturday, Sept 15th

SAN LUIS OBISPO –The Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club (CPARC) is holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, September 15th, 2012 at 3pm to unveil their new 72-foot antenna tower. Please join us at the Electrical Engineering Building 20 on the Cal Poly Campus. Directions can be found by going to the Shack at w6bhz.org/meetings.

The new tower is the result of over $30,000 of support from industry, individuals, and alumni. This TX-472MDPL 72-foot telescoping antenna tower was donated by the US Tower Corporation with additional support for equipment and materials from Ham Radio Outlet. Through the generous donation of antennas from Robert Ferrero W6KR, financial support from Joe Cardoza KJ6TPW and Barry Soben K6BRS, and a $10,000 grant from the Peterson Charitable Remainder Unitrust, CPARC was able to make the dream for a new tower a reality.

Electrical Engineering Department Chair, Dr. Dennis Derickson AC0P, was also instrumental in supporting the project from its earliest planning stages. A special recognition must go to Dr. Bill Kellogg, Department Head of Agricultural Education and Communication, for his tremendous assistance with all the technical aspects of the project including support from Bob's Crane Service and a concrete donation from CalPortland. Thanks to the generosity of many, the new antenna tower will provide state of the art communications infrastructure that will allow world-wide communications for the campus.

The club was founded in 1947 and the Founding Advisor, Dr. Harry Wolf W6NKT, will be joining us for the ceremony. At 103 years old, Dr. Wolf is one of the oldest active amateur radio operators in the world! The Amateur Radio Club will also be receiving national-recognition as a Special Service Club by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Santa Barbara Section Manager, Robert Griffin K6YR, will be presenting the award at this ceremony. The tower is being dedicated in memory of George Varvitsiotes K6SV (1954-2012) who was the initial driving force in making the project possible.

The Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club has a long tradition of communications service on campus and in the community of San Luis Obispo. The club maintains Emergency Communications Station No.16 on the Cal Poly Campus for San Luis Obispo County which is fully equipped with emergency power and radio equipment to support various public safety agencies in the event of a disaster. The club also supports other, non-emergency events such as bicycle races, triathlons, and parades. For more information about the club please visit www.w6bhz.org or send an email to calpolyradioclub at gmail.com.

Note to Editors: Reporters, photographers, and television crews are invited to cover this event. Please contact Marcel Stieber if you plan to attend: mstieber at calpoly.edu.


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