Jeff Kincaid, W6JK w6jk at arrl.net
Mon Dec 9 15:59:20 EST 2013

I've been uploading contest logs to LOTW lately, and it's been a lot of fun!  I started with the last three years worth, since they're available on the current laptop.  Out of 4300-odd QSOs, I find that over half have already been confirmed by the other op.  I've completed WAS on phone and CW, and have 44-46 states on each of the 10, 15, 20 and 40 meter bands.  I can see at a glance who I need for 5BWAS.  I got Bill at HQ to enter my old WA6BIL DXCC credits, and now I'm more than half way to the next endorsement (250).  I uploaded my 160M log this morning, and a third of the contacts were already confirmed!  Now I'm working on extracting the previous 7 years of logs from the old laptop.  Seriously, you all should be having this much fun.  Or, am I late to the game you're all already playing?

Jeff W6JK

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