[SCCC] 160 Meter Contest

N6hc n6hc at aol.com
Thu Feb 7 12:57:37 EST 2013

Great to see you last night.? I hope you enjoyed the program and socializing.
About your Cabrillo header for the 160 meter contest:? Under "station", you should have listed the call WU6D or K6VC instead of your call.? Your call should be in that spot only if you worked the 160 meter contest from your QTH in Cerritos.? That also means that you were operating from the ORANGE section, not the LOS ANGELES section.
Very productive score from the west coast with limited time (15 hours) on 160 meters.? Congratulations!
Arnie N6HC

-----Original Message-----
From: JOHN SCHROEDER <n6qq at msn.com>
To: sccc <sccc at contesting.com>; Cathy Gardenias <gardenias at verizon.net>; Cathy C & C Gardenias <cjscreek at gmail.com>; Arlene <ke6gfi at arrl.net>
Sent: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 9:39 pm
Subject: [SCCC] 160 Meter Contest

                   CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 
Call: N6QQ 
Operator(s): N6QQ 
Station: N6QQ 
Class: Single Op Assisted HP 
Operating Time (hrs): 15 
Total:  QSOs = 341  State/Prov = 55  Countries = 22  Total Score = 73,381 
Club: Southern California Contest Club 
QTH:  Carl - WU6D and Cathy - K6VC Carl and Cathy's home has 3 phase verticals -  
and long wires for 160 meters  Saturday Morning - good opening into JA  
land.Saturday Evening - Eu was strong. Sunday - morning --- band was almost  
dead.  No Asia signals.  Who was that ?? ::  Heard W6BH with very strong  
signals.   Thanks to Carl and Cathy for the use of station. AL-1500, IC-7800 and  
three phase verticals. 
3 John -- N6QQ 
ARRL and CQ awards QSL checker 
Past President of Southern California DX Club - 2011www.scdxc.org 
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SCCC at contesting.com 

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