[SCCC] N6ND's Advice to New Hams

Dennis Younker NE6I ne6i at cox.net
Sun May 5 21:45:19 EDT 2013

Just read this on the San Diego DX Club web site and thought that is was 
both humorous and true:

Rick's Advice to New Hams
"My advice for new guys starting the DX quest is have patience, it is a 
marathon event and you have to out-wait all the crummy dictators that won't 
allow ham radio in their backwater country and all the crummy bureaucrats 
that won't give people permission to land on some dip-water island. In 
addition, some places are just plain hard to get to even after you get 
permission. So although you need some of the same equipment to rise to the 
top of the Honor Roll as you need for a DX Contest, you have to have the 
opposite mentality. Just out live the bastards!"

--Dennis NE6I 

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