[SCCC] Call for photos, stories, W1AW/6

Glenn Rattmann k6na at cts.com
Sun Mar 16 16:54:28 EDT 2014

SCCC 'ers,

I'm sure the W1AW/6 operation will be remembered fondly by SoCal 
participants.  As Coordinator, I was overjoyed to see such interest 
in this once-in-a-lifetime project, and I thank each and every one of 
you for stepping up and joining the fray.  The load was carried 
mainly (but not exclusively) by SCCC members.  There were 40 Host 
stations, of which 32 are SCCC members (or clubs led by SCCC 
members).  All of you together made nearly 40,000 contacts!

To help wrap up this activity, I'm asking now for high resolution 
photos, along with stories, anecdotes, and station/antenna 
descriptions from YOU.  With the help of Jeff, N0DY, and Jim, AF6O, 
we'll prepare a web article for our site.  We will present some nice 
graphs and stats, along with your photos and tales of fun (or woe!) 
from The Front Lines.

For Host stations who had more than one operator:  Please pass this 
request to all your operators, some of whom were not SCCC members.  I 
want their inputs, too, and I may not have contact information for 
all of them!  Also, make sure you send me your complete list of 
operators, so everyone can be credited.

I will contact directly those non-SCCC member Hosts I designated, and 
who helped us immensely.

Please send the high-res photos, stories, anecdotes, station 
descriptions-- and anything else you may have noted during the 
operation-- directly to me, not via this list.  Thanks!

I will send out a final reminder next week.

73, Glenn K6NA....   k6na at cts dot com
SoCal Coordinator, February W1AW/6

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