[SCCC] Contest Administration Software

Tree tree at kkn.net
Tue Dec 29 16:45:11 EST 2015

In response to your first question (what are contest sponsors using) - at
least for the ARRL, CQ and NCJ contests - the answer is that each contest
has a software program that has been developed specifically for one

I am not aware of any packages out there which can be configured to work
for any contest.

Tree N6TR

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Bob Grubic <bobgrubic at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me what software(s) Contest Sponsors use to score logs that
> people submit for various contests? Either local, regional, State QSO
> Parties or the larger World Wide Contests?
> Are these available to a club that wants to sponsor a ham radio contest or
> are they all private and proprietary software?
> And I'm curious to know how they can be configured: only accept a perfect
> match between QSO entries, accept an entry from a ham who did not submit
> his log, etc?
> 73,
> Bob NC6Q
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