[SCCC] ARRL January VHF Contest

Neil Jessen neiljessen at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 7 17:09:48 EST 2015

The ARRL January VHF Contest is right around the corner.  Any of you who have operated VHF contests know that the activity is nothing like HF contests.  There isn't an endless supply of people jumping on to give out points like on HF.  Therefore, I would just like to take a minute to urge you to get on and help out your fellow SCCC'ers that are going to be on the air.  Some of us are spending lots of money to put rover stations on the air and/or driving large distances to be at remote locations.  I know how depressing it is to be on the other end of that scenario; Sitting in a rover vehicle out in some God forsaken location after spending hundreds of dollars in fuel and hotel rooms and only to be rewarded with minimal activity.  
The contest begins 1900 UTC Saturday and ends 0359 UTC Monday (January 24-26, 2015).
So help those of us brave souls who will be out there electrifying the VHF/UHF spectrum that weekend.  Put a reminder on your calendars and dust off your gear.  
73 and see you on the air!
Neil - N6VHF

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