Ray Day rayday at cox.net
Sun Mar 29 23:44:52 EDT 2015

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB


Call: N6HE

Operator(s): N6HE

Station: N6HE


Class: SO(A)AB HP

QTH: So Calif

Operating Time (hrs): 23:00



Band  QSOs


  160:    0

   80:    0

   40:   97

   20:  150

   15:  350

   10:  110


Total:  707  Prefixes = 403  Total Score = 633,113


Club: Southern California Contest Club




Whoo-hoo! Great cndx, good ops, lots of QSO's. Still too many over-processed
signals, but still fun. I enjoyed talking in my "robot voice" to those
stations that had computer-generated serial numbers! T-T Omni VII, Alpha
87A, low wires. microKEYER II for DVK. 

What a blast! Great to hear the voices of the CW/RTTY contesters!



My Breakout:

700+ QSO's,

78 entities,

1 ATNO (San Marino),

16 needed for DXCC Phone credit,

1 new 40M,

2 new 20M,

18 new 15M, and

5 new 10M.


Gobs of new prefixes.



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