[SCCC] NAQP Multiplliers

Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 16:58:05 EDT 2016

oops, last one was sent too soon...

So, I read the NAQP Rules in more details this time and see that the
Multipliers are:

   - all 50 U.S. states
   - 13 Canadian provinces/territories
   - and *other North American entities as defined by the ARRL DXCC List*

My question is, what *other North American entities as defined by the ARRL
DXCC List* did anyone else work in the NAQP CW this weekend?

Just curious...

There a numerous countries in NA from Mexico to Panama. Which ones made
into YOUR log? I wonder how big the CW contesting is in Latin America.

I might like to work it from Panama one of these days.

Bob NC6Q

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