[SCCC] Help with Keyboard Problem in Wintest

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 03:44:45 EDT 2016

Long story but another OP remoted into
NX6T Station and was running N1MM and invoked some keyboard Macro which
made my Insert key become F11 function.

Anyway in trying to fix the Insert key to do
F5 + F2 ( would send Logged Call + Exchange ) - I have now lost F1 thru F7
and also lost Insert Key and + keys which do nothing anymore when depressed

If I hit Shift + any of those keys, I see the normal dialogue eg: Hit Shift
+ F1 and you see " CW SS NX6T", but nothing happens when I hit F1 -  NO CW,
no transmitter keying....Nada

Do I have delete and reload entire WinTest program to get my keyboard back
to its default settings !?

73 Dennis N6KI

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