Jim Price jnprice at pacbell.net
Mon Nov 7 10:37:10 EST 2016

CallSign Used : K6ZH
Operator(s) : K6ZH

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : NON ASSISTED
Power : HIGH
Mode : CW
ARRL Section : SDG
Club/Team : SCCC

        Band     QSOs   Pts  Sections
         3.5      75     150    11   
           7     179     358    54   
          14     184     368    3   
          21     187     374   15   
       Total     625    1250   83  

            Score : 103,750
              Rig : IC-746 PRO

         Antennas : 4-element SteppIR, 40-2CD, 80 meter inverted vee.

 Soapbox : Started late due to social gigs on Saturday.
It took 11 hours, but I finally got the Sweep!  Last was W1HI from RI (of all places).  I had been inserting "CQ RI" calls with my regular CQs for a while, and then he showed up (after about a dozen other 1's who I had hoped were the "right" 1s!)

Next to last:  ND - N7IV called in, and that was my only ND QSO.

I called CQ most of the time.  The only sections I had to go "get" were KP2, KP4, WY, NT, SJV, ORG. 
Only 1 QSO with NL (VO2AC called me!), NT, RI, DE, SJV, ORG, EWA, WY, ND, and NE.

My first SS was in 1964 with my newly minted General class license, WB6DPV from Santa Maria.  I was using 50 watts of AM and a 40 meter dipole.  My VFO would work on 40 meters, but not on 15.  So I used two crystals on 15 phone to help 1) make a total of 80 QSOs, and 2) to win the SB section!  My how things have changed!!

[For those who don't understand the reference to crystals, ask someone with gray hair!]

73 - Jim K6ZH

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