Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 20:02:12 EST 2016

Contest: CQ WW DX CW


Call: NC6Q

Operator(s): NC6Q

Category: Single Op Low Assisted

Station: NC6Q

Location: Signal Hill, CA


Club: Southern California

         Contest Club




Band    QSOs     Zones     Countries

  80          3            2           2

  40         22           5           4

  20          3            2           2

  15        59           15         22


Total       87          24          30


Score: 7,614




 N1MM+ logger

 Attic dipoles



Comments: First time using the FT-1000 in a CW contest--graduated from the
Kenwood TS-50. What a difference! Nice! In the beginning hours I thought my
antennas had turned themselves into dummy loads. Double checked my coax
connections. Watt meter said 100 watts out into the feedline. Loud signals
wouldn't answer my calls. Then I deduced, they must all be running a
kilowatt and have their beams pointed away from me (and my attic dipoles).
Not to mention, that they must have all had a pileup calling them and my
little signal was insignificant to them. Sheesh! Later, on Saturday
afternoon, 15 meters was better and people answered me from afar. Boy, that
felt good! Checked 10m several times, but sigs were not coming into my


Slept the usual hour, ate the usual meals, and did the usual chores, but
missed the last hour of the contest, still thinking 0000z was 5:00 pm
local. Argh!


Bob NC6Q

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