Prasad VU2PTT vu2ptt at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 10:55:23 EDT 2016

I believe the below email from Dave has the answer. This was sent to me on
WhatsApp by one of the VU DXers this morning - maybe it will help.


Before today, LoTW Web Account passwords were generated by the ARRL and
conveyed to users. At 16z today on 2016-09-19, LoTW was upgraded to allow
users to specify new passwords of their own choosing, subject to rules that
ensure sufficient security. The new procedure is documented here

All LoTW Web Account passwords created before 16z today were "lower case"
only. However, the Web Account's password checking mechanism ignored case,
so if your password was mypassword you (or your logging application) could
specify MyPassword or MYPASSWORD and successfully log in to your LoTW Web
Account. As of 16z today, the LoTW Web Account password checking mechanism
was upgraded to require an exact match with respect to "upper case" and
"lower case" characters. Thus if your password is mypassword, you can no
longer log in with MyPasswordor MYPASSWORD; you (and your logging
application) must specify your password in "lower case" only.

If you are unable to log in to your LoTW Web Account using your password
specified in "lower case", please contact the LoTW help desk via
LoTW-help at arrl.org

If you would prefer a "mixed case" password, you can now specify one using
the new procedure.


Dave, AA6YQ


73 de Prasad VU2PTT, W2PTT (ex-AF6DV)

ARRL DXCC Card Checker
CQ Awards Checkpoint
Coordinator - VU Contest Group www.vucg.in
Webmaster - Logger32 www.logger32.net

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Dean Jones <k6ddj599 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dennis,
>     Thats good info.  Maybe it has to do with provider issues.  I can't get
> it through my home systems and also can't get in through work systems.  The
> common thread here is that both systems are Verizon, (now frontier).  I
> have sent an email to ARRL just now. Lets see what they say.  I will post
> their response if it is informative.
> Dean K6DDJ
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