Neil Jessen neiljessen at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 9 00:04:42 EDT 2017

Well, I had hoped to do much better but I was stuck using a stealth wire antenna and my noise level was ridiculous.  Had to basically search and pounce on the stations I could hear during the limited time I could operate.  Next time, different location!

Neil – N6VHF

N6VHF's Contest Summary Report for NAQP

Total Contacts = 30
Total Points = 690

Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total       %
----       --   -----     ---   -----     ---
   80        2       0       0       2       7
   40        2       0       0       2       7
   20       19       0       0      19      63
   15        7       0       0       7      23
            --   -----     ---   -----     ---
Total      30       0       0      30     100

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