[SCCC] How and to Whom Do I Submit My Contest Effort Score

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 14:17:27 EDT 2017

Ryan, W6ZAR, is one of the students in San Diego Contest Club (SDCC- NX6T)
and he is just starting to enter contests from his modest home station and
applying some of what he has learned from operating at NX6T in some past

*SDCC NX6T did not do a Multi-OP category in NAQP SSB this past weekend due
to technical difficulties (Yes - Computers or Contest Logging programs
breaking down so you can't use your radio...go figure...), so I suggested
all SDCC members enter contest from their home stations in SO Category,
which Ryan W6ZAR, enthusiastically did ! Ryan also signed up with Dennis
NE6I, to be on a SCCC team in NAQP SSB this past weekend.*

After the contest, Ryan sent me an email asking how he submits his RAW
(unprocessed by contest sponsor) score to SCCC

My reply below, might be of use to other newcomers to contesting so feel
free to forward to anyone you think may have interested in the subject.

N6KI wrote:


Send a copy of your score summary file to the Team coordinator, who for
SCCC is Dennis NE6I
(NE6I *at* COX.NET)

Ie; send *"W6ZAR.SUM"* from the files you generated in your contest logging
programs after finishing working the contest.

Also, go to 3830 Score Rumors Web Site and you can see how you did compared
to others in what we call Score Rumors.


These are "RAW" scores that have not been processed yet by the contest
sponsors so they usually are reduced by errors when the sponsor compares
all logs submitted to them, by the amount of errors we made.

To submit your score to 3830 list, in the LEFT side Column, click on the
name of the contest and when new page opens, fill in the blanks then hit
Submit at bottom.
Be sure New Submission
is checked at top of page

To then see your ranking and others for your Category you entered, at top
center of the Home page of the site, Click on
the name of the contest you just did in the

*"Summaries of Current Contests"*

*North American QSO Party, SSB - August  *

If your post when they OK when you submitted your RAW score

You should have be listed in

*Single OP LP*
(Single OP Low Power)

Click on your Call sign to view
and check that your Raw Score Entry details are correct
( If you made an error, you can resubmit and correct by starting over and
on the page where you fill in your details
be sure to now select

*Correct Previous Submission*

To compare your score to others who scored just above or below you in your
category, or your own previous scores typically in SAME contest from
previous years, at top of page of ALL scores submitted, select

*Compare Scores *

under *Summaries:*

and enter each Call sign you are interested in, in the 5 boxes

Call Used Edition

*and be sure to select the Date*
*( in EDITION Box) of the contest to the Right of each call in sign you
enter *
*( I usually put 2 callsigns of stations who reported beating my score in
box 1 and 2, then my Call sign in box 3, then 2 call signs of stations I
think I may have beat in boxes 4 and 5*

*or you may want to put just YOUR call sign in all 5 boxes and pick the
dates of previous years you submitted scores to compare your own score and
hopefully you beat all your previous scores for previous submissions !!*

*Be sure to send a thank you email to Bruce WA7BNM the site administrator
for all the hard work he puts in to maintain this fantastic tool website !!*

*Next, check contest rules and who/where to send your raw score, ie;
W6ZAR.LOG which needs to be in CABRILLO format.*
( You can typically GOOGLE the name and YEAR of the contest to find a link
to contest sponsor website)

*Be sure to submit your score before deadline specified in the rules or
your submission might be relegated to CHECK LOG category ( a log that is
just used to compare against other submitted logs) and you won't be
eligible to receive any Award Plaques or Certificates !*

*Good luck in the contest !*

*73, Dennis N6KI*

On Aug 20, 2017 9:53 AM, "R. Salazar" <rzar66 at gmail.com> wrote:

How do I donate my score to SCCC?

Ryan W6ZAR

On Aug 19, 2017 11:43 PM, "Dennis Vernacchia" <n6ki73 at gmail.com> wrote:

> North American QSO Party, SSB - August
> Call: N6KI
> Operator(s): N6KI
> Station: NX6T
> Class: Single Op LP
> Operating Time (hrs): 8
> Radios: SO2R
> Summary:
>  Band  QSOs  Mults
> -------------------
>   160:    4     1
>    80:   33    10
>    40:  101    34
>    20:  263    48
>    15:    6     2
>    10:    6     1
> -------------------
> Total:  413    96  Total Score = 39,648
> Club: San Diego Contest Club
> Team: SCCC #1
> Comments:
> Very Poor Condx - 10 and 15 Mtr bands MIA - 20 a slog - 10 over 9 static
> Clashes
> on 40 - neighbors car v=battery charger took out 80 mtr band - not much on
> 160
> due more noise - Shoulda just blown this one off...ughhhh - de N6KI

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