[SCCC] ARRL 10 N6KI SO Mixed Unlimited HP

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 06:44:32 EST 2017

ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: N6KI
Operator(s): N6KI
Station: N6KI

Class: SO Mixed Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 2

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  29      9
  SSB:   4      1
Total:  33     10  Total Score = 1,612

Club: San Diego Contest Club


Had plans to do a MS HP effort from NX6T Contest Station but fires that
started mid day Thursday the day before the contest changed those plans and
I could not even go to station to rescue all the ham gear. Luckily the fire
that was heading directly for the station was stopped about 1 mile from the
NX6T station leaving the owner of property and all the San Diego Contest
Club OPs with very tense
moments all through Friday night as the fires literally burned out of

So I fired up my home station that sports a crippled SteppIR MonstIR Yagi
that has 2 elements removed for motor repair leaving me with a 2 Element 10
meter yagi. Of course condx were very poor and my local neighborhood noise
took out some of the weaker stations calling me.

With the fire in the back of my mind all weekend my heart and mind were not
really into the contest. Luckily "Nash-Ville" (our contest station
nickname),... survived!)-
IC-7800 - Expert 2 KW amp. @ El Yagi @ 50 ft

73, Dennis N6KI

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