[SCCC] Fwd: [NCCC] CQ Magazine Questions ARRL re. Code of Conduct and Censure of N6AA

Ken Widelitz kwidelitz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 23:20:57 EST 2017

This pissed me off so much that I wrote Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, the following:


As much as I appreciated your July editorial, I am equally disturbed at the
censure of Dick Norton, N6AA and the Code of Conduct for directors. 


Elements of the Code of Conduct are contradictory and examples of
non-profits at their worst. If you are to act in good faith you must state
when you disagree with a policy. Pulling a curtain over the decision making
process only serves to start rumors such as you had to address in your July


Oh, and the ARPA is NOT good legislation.


Honestly, I have been considering how to dispose of my amateur radio
equipment at my home shack and my property and equipment at my VY2TT QTH and
was considering donating it to the ARRL after my demise. I am no longer
considering that course of action as a direct result of the foregoing
actions of the ARRL.


73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT



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