[SCCC] NS Ladder #26 - 1st week - Thursday night NA.

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 16:14:56 EST 2017

*NCCC Sprint Ladder XXVI - "Contesting on the Edge"      *

NSL XXVI begins this Thursday night and continues for 7 continuous weeks.
Top 4 scores count.   [1830-1900 PST]

It's a short, snappy event, friendly to newcomers, but intense. Regulars
will slow to your speed. Excellent preparation for Saturday's NAQP CW.  Five
geographic divisions.

         -- 0230-0300 UTC exactly 30 mins.
         -- 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160m  38-44 KHz up from band edge, 1813-1818
on 160m.
          -- 100 watts max power.
          -- Sprint format, mults per band. 1 KHz minimum QSY, 2-3 KHz
          -- Contact stations once per band.
          -- Score reports to 3830scores.com (Tks, WA7BNM)
          -- In final rankings, only the top four scores count.

    Rules:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Schedule:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.html
    Divisions . . see map at http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Weekly results:  "GO" button at www.ncccsprint.com
     Operating tips: http://ncccsprint.com/operating.html

Questions?  email to Bill n6zfo  n6zfo at arrl.net

    73 Bill N6ZFO
    NCCC Thursday Night Contesting
   Advisory group: W9RE, N4AF, K4BAI, W4NZ, N3BB, W0BH, K6UFO

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