[SCCC] Visit/Operate At A Field Day Site This Weekend ?!
Dennis Vernacchia
n6ki73 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 14:03:36 EDT 2017
Not participating at ALL this Field Day weekend ?
C'mon....get off you ASSets and at least go visit if not operate an hour
(or two) at one of the SD area (or YOUR local area) FD sites !!
I got this 11th hour request for CW OPs for EARS/PARC FD effort.
(Escondido/Palomar Amateur Radio Clubs)
If you are not already committed to operate with any other San Diego area
FD groups
and have ANY level of CW operating capability, consider putting in just a
couple hours with these hardworking groups.
I know some OPs are trying to better their CW skills and this is a great
opportunity to get some more operating in even if you have to assist your
CW copying
with a code reader unit like MFJ and AEA have made available over the years.
Even if you grab a buddy and the the 2 of you collaborate to copy the CQing
station's Call Sign and the short exchange that Field Day uses.
It's real easy to be lazy and say...Oh, I'm not that good at CW do I'll
just go do some SSB operating....
If you really want to get your code speed up and not have to worry about
not doing so well, FD is the best NON CONTEST operating event.....It is how
I got into CW contesting....yes, it was sitting next to another not so hot
CW OP and finally starting to decipher bits and pieces of callsigns and
exchanges and then thinking, hey....I can do this even if I have to swallow
my pride and ask for repeats,...several times...!!
C'mon guys and gals, give it a go....!!
Contact Matt Tucker
( mail4tucker at gmail.com )
for the EARS/PARC ARCS effort or if Lake Dixon in Escondido not convenient
enough for you, let me know the area of SD (or YOUR) county you are
interested in and I'll do my best to get you connected with other FD
efforts in YOUR area.
Please feel free to forward this request on to any hams you know that might
enjoy getting out of some honey-doos,. etc, this weekend !!
73, Dennis N6KI
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Tucker <mail4tucker at gmail.com>
Date: Jun 20, 2017 9:49 AM
Subject: CW field day?
To: n6ki at arrl.net
Hello Dennis,
John Musselman N6EP suggested I contact you about the possibility of you
working the EARS CW station. I told him I was having a hard time getting
CW time slots filled this year (a lot of people that worked it last year
are out of town this weekend). I know this is very last minute. If this
is something you are interested in, please let me know. The only "prime
time" slot I have filled is 11AM-1PM PST Saturday. Everything else is open.
EARS is providing Pizza dinner Saturday evening.
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