[SCCC] SCCC Digest, Vol 174, Issue 13

Drew Arnett kb9fko at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 23:57:22 EDT 2017

That's what I did last weekend.  Need to do more!  Was fun to be
networked with one hot CW op (n6mi) and then try to see how often I
could get my callsign on the last 18 worked window versus his.  :-)
Had been idle for the last 12 months, so this really knocked the
cobwebs off of the copy.  Did I mention that I need to do more?

Huge thanks to the clubs that pitched in and kg6iyn and especially
k6vcr for getting all that aluminum up in the air.  I've operated
portable 40m a number of times, but never with a 2 el yagi.  Sweet!

Best regards,


> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 11:03:36 -0700
> From: Dennis Vernacchia <n6ki73 at gmail.com>
> To: SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com>
> Subject: [SCCC] Visit/Operate At A Field Day Site This Weekend ?!
> Message-ID:
>         <CAJ9gHNAPx1Pb9C3Uj+Faz168iANndGqPs07utU_JJ6ZzxMn3hg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Not participating at ALL this Field Day weekend ?
> C'mon....get off you ASSets and at least go visit if not operate an hour
> (or two) at one of the SD area (or YOUR local area) FD sites !!
> I got this 11th hour request for CW OPs for EARS/PARC FD effort.
> (Escondido/Palomar Amateur Radio Clubs)
> If you are not already committed to operate with any other San Diego area
> FD groups
> and have ANY level of CW operating capability, consider putting in just a
> couple hours with these hardworking groups.
> I know some OPs are trying to better their CW skills and this is a great
> opportunity to get some more operating in even if you have to assist your
> CW copying
> with a code reader unit like MFJ and AEA have made available over the years.
> Even if you grab a buddy and the the 2 of you collaborate to copy the CQing
> station's Call Sign and the short exchange that Field Day uses.
> It's real easy to be lazy and say...Oh, I'm not that good at CW do I'll
> just go do some SSB operating....
> If you really want to get your code speed up and not have to worry about
> not doing so well, FD is the best NON CONTEST operating event.....It is how
> I got into CW contesting....yes, it was sitting next to another not so hot
> CW OP and finally starting to decipher bits and pieces of callsigns and
> exchanges and then thinking, hey....I can do this even if I have to swallow
> my pride and ask for repeats,...several times...!!
> C'mon guys and gals, give it a go....!!
> Contact Matt Tucker
> ( mail4tucker at gmail.com )
> for the EARS/PARC ARCS effort or if Lake Dixon in Escondido not convenient
> enough for you, let me know the area of SD (or YOUR) county you are
> interested in and I'll do my best to get you connected with other FD
> efforts in YOUR area.
> Please feel free to forward this request on to any hams you know that might
> enjoy getting out of some honey-doos,. etc, this weekend !!
> 73, Dennis N6KI

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