[SCCC] Equipment for VHF/UHF/+ Contesting

Marv Shelton marvs at att.net
Tue Oct 24 15:47:59 EDT 2017

I operate the UHF/VHF Contests using an Ft-736r with 144, 220, 432, and 1296 MHz modules. For 6m I just use my ftdx-3000.
Since most newer model HF rigs include 6m there usually isn’t a need to get a separate radio just to cover that band.  Some radios include 144 and 432.
So it depends on what you have on hand and how many bands you want to cover. There are contest entry categories for just the 3 most popular bands.
My thoughts.
Having a single radio makes band switching pretty easy. Using transverters means switching the IF and remembering which one is inline and turned on and doing the operating frequency math.
However the Ft-736r, while a great radio, is old. It does not have the technology upgrades of DSP, VBT, noise reduction, and other bells and whistles that modern radios have, so you lose all of that. transverters also have lower power output compared to stand alone radios, so while you will likely be using an amp anyway, you will need one with a lower power input requirement.
The other consideration is cost. One thing I have seen guys do is buy used all mode radios for each band.  Some of these can be had pretty cheap.
Bottom line, the basic difference I see being able to use modern Tx and RX features or not.  I don’t think I am missing much not having them in my FT-736R I prefer to focus on improving my antennas, especially on RX.  I have found my toughest challenge to be in getting and using hardline coax.  The signal losses at these frequencies over ‘normal’ 50 - 150ft runs of coax is considerable.


Sent from my iPad
And YES it's cool!

> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 11:29:59 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Bruce Horn <bhorn at hornucopia.com>
> To: SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com>
> Subject: [SCCC] Equipment for VHF/UHF/+ Contesting
> Message-ID:
>    <136634817.706511.1508776199085.JavaMail.zimbra at hornucopia.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi,
> What's the best approach for equipping a fixed 2m to 23cm contesting station:
> Multi-band transceivers, such as
> Yaesu FT-991A (no 23cm)
> Kenwood TS-2000
> ICOM IC-9100
> or
> Transverters, such as
> Elecraft
> Down East Microwave
> SSB Electronics
> or ??
> What are the tradeoffs beyond the obvious "everything in one box" advantage of the multi-band transceiver approach?
> Thanks.
> 73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)
> *************************************

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