[SCCC] Brain Trust--Transfer of Callsign License Plates

Fortney, Jim - K6IYK K6IYK at K6IYK.net
Sun Aug 12 00:15:56 EDT 2018

Hank -

Opinions are like bellybuttons, everyone has one and ..............

The process is simple only if you deal with someone that knows the 
process.  I had the same Amateur Call Plates plates on my cars from 
1963 until 2017 when I moved to AZ. Sometimes it was an easy process 
and sometimes it took special attention.

Two important points you need to know.

1) In California Amateur Call Plates are now considered Special 
Plates, NOT Special Interest Plates.  The two types require totally 
different forms.  If you are talking to someone who really 
understands the process they will be known as Type H Plates.

2) The plates belong to you and you can keep them in your possession 
all of the time.  The process you want to perform is called 
Reassignment and is covered by CVC Sect. 5108.

There is a Fee for Reassigning your plates to a new car ($12) as 
discussed here:


The form required is REG 17A  (NOT REG 17).  You will use only 
Sections 1,3, and 5.

As indicated by several SCCC members, the AAA normally does an 
outstanding job when processing private sales.  You do need to be an 
AAA member to get their services, but Bishop is SCAC (AAA) and they 
will do all of the form processing on-line and give you copies.

Dealer sales are almost as easy, you just need to give them a copy of 
REG 17A when you trade-in your car so you can keep your plates.  Most 
dealers' registration people know the process but be careful they are 
using REG 17A when they take your car.  Many Dealers will not help 
you with the Reassignment process and you have to complete it 
yourself as described below.

The steps in both cases are:

1) Sell or trade-in your car (Copy of REG 17A to buyer/dealer so he 
can justify having a car without plates.)

2) Buy new car (Either you or the dealer will register the 
replacement/new car.) and,

3) Submit REG 17A to transfer Call Plates to new car (If Dealer 
purchase you will have to wait until a set of Plates are issued then 
go to DMV or AAA.)

Your Registration showing the new Plates will come in the 
mail.  Based upon my recent transactions with them, they are still 
very very slow so don't get impatient.

A sometimes not so obvious alternative I should point out is that if 
you want new (shinny) plates, allow your old plates to go with the 
old car and then after giving DMV time to catch-up, apply for Call 
Plates again.  (However, this does offer DMV another chance to mess things up.)

Probably more than you (and others) wanted to know, but it can happen 
if you want it to.


- JimF  K6IYK

At 8/11/2018 07:30 AM, Hank Garretson wrote:
>Good Morning Contest Champions,
>I am getting ready to get a new car. Two possibilities.
>1. Trade in of car with W6SX plates.
>2. Sell W6SX-plated car and buy new with no trade in.
>How do I get W6SX plates on new car?
>Hank, W6SX
>SCCC mailing list
>SCCC at contesting.com

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