[SCCC] ARRL 160 N6LL Single Op LP

Glenn Rattmann k6na at cts.com
Mon Dec 3 00:37:07 EST 2018

Thanks... but clearly causal creation credit goes actually to 
N5KO.  When Trey bought his house in Aptos years ago, he was excited 
to get something on the air from home, as many folks were reporting 
that 160 meters had been in great shape lately.
So, he bought bits of PVC, some wire and hardware (maybe even some 
RG6 coax?) at Home Depot and built a quarter-wave wire vertical for 
160, with 4 elevated radials, and pulled the mess up into a tree.
Hence, the Home Depot Special was born.

According to Trey, dipole versions are allowed, and do not violate 
the copyright.


At 04:05 PM 12/2/2018, Paul Gordon N6LL wrote:
>That's it! Thanks to K6NA for passing along the moniker.
>Paul N6LL
>On 12/2/2018 3:53 PM, Marty Woll wrote:
>>I'm guessing it's a roll of #14 THHN (well, half a roll, anyway).
>>Marty N6VI
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: SCCC [mailto:sccc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Younker
>>Sent: Sunday, December 2, 2018 3:46 PM
>>To: 'Southern California Contest Club'
>>Subject: Re: [SCCC] ARRL 160 N6LL Single Op LP
>>Hey Paul, what is a Home Depot dipole? Wondering if they have them at Lowes
>>and Dixieline too?

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