[SCCC] Is 50 watts enough?

Wayne Overbeck overbeck6 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 3 22:06:23 EST 2018

>FT8 is the same. It's generally frowned upon to use more than 50 watts, and
>frankly, it's not needed. 

Dennis, there was a spirited debate about that point during the Eastern VHF 
Conference near Hartford, CT last April.

There were some in the room who like being able to work 100 grid squares 
in Europe on six meters during a single band opening.  (Think about that 
one for a minute).  There are probably some out here who'd like to work that 
many grid squares in Asia during a single six-meter opening.

At the Hartford conference there were indeed people arguing that 50 
watts is all you need on FT8 and that QRO should be frowned upon.

But there were others who argued just as passionately that you need 
1500 watts output and at least one long Yagi to fully exploit the 
advantages of FT8 for serious DXing.

On this reflector I suspect both of those viewpoints would have defenders.

73, Wayne


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