Timothy Coker n6win at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 13:39:10 EST 2018

I'd coordinate and shut down my skimmer while using a Yaesu FT101 (my kid days radio) and no amplifier (only W6KK would let me use an amp back when I was 11), straight key, and no packet!
What fun!!! And... maybe I can buy my old Toyota 22R back :(
Great job Bill! Let me know, I'lll get Dick on the phone and talk his ear off so you don't have to be bothered by him! :)


    On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 7:01:02 AM PST, Dick Stepanian <dickw6tk at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Maybe we all need to reset to the old HeathKit AR-3 - with no clusters and
no skimmers...hihi.  Good work Bill - even though it was a "slow relaxed
sorta way".

Dick - W6TK

On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 5:13 PM, Bill Shell N6WS <n6ws at n6ws.com> wrote:

> Well guys, here are my results.  I had fun searching and pouncing, but in
> a slow relaxed sorta way.  I did hear Dick (W6TK), Kent (N6WT), and Bill
> (N6RV) on, but not very often.  I kinda miss the old radio.  I could always
> tell which band Dick was operating, and make an effort not to interfere
> with him.  Now I have to tune to his frequency before I hear him.
> The propagation on 160m was a real disappointment.  The week prior to the
> contest was fantastic with openings to Europe almost every evening, but
> during the contest it was terrible.  It was only good to the Caribbean,
> South America, and Eastern Asia.  I did order my second MA160V, and hope to
> have it up and working soon.
> These 40m problems with SteppIR antennas are a real pain.
> 73, Bill
> N6WS
> ARRL DX Contest, CW
> Call: N6WS
> Operator(s): N6WS
> Station: N6WS
> Class: SO Unlimited HP
> Operating Time (hrs): 20
> Summary:
> Band QSOs Mults
> -------------------
> 160: 25 14
> 80: 53 31
> 40: 121 76
> 20: 125 93
> 15: 84 42
> 10: 12 6
> -------------------
> Total: 420 262 Total Score = 330,120
> Club: Southern California Contest Club
> Comments:
> Rig : Yaesu FTDX5000MP, Expert 2K-FA
> Antennas : SteppIR DB36, 80m Sloper, MA160V Vertical
> Soapbox : I was just hunting and pouncing during the contest. It was
> not a serious effort, although it did surprise me to see I had operated 20
> hours. I did try to run on 10m just to see if anyone was tuning, but that
> was a
> bust.  160m was somewhat of a disappointment given the excellent
> propagation
> on 160M the week before the contest.
> Best 73, Bill / N6WS
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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