[SCCC] ARRL Power Grab

HL Serra hlserra at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 14:20:45 EST 2018


Dear Directors-

I share the sentiments and observations of my friend Jim W6YA on the
pending revisions to ARRL By-Laws and so-called "Ethics" regulations.

A few years ago I was lead counsel and quarterbacked radio amateurs'
successful legal efforts to defeat a City of San Diego proposed ordinance
that would have banned HF antennas in southern California. The ARRL uses my
playbook as its template to defeat any similar efforts in the country to
enact similar ordinances.

My request is this: Will you please stop playing petty politics and
remember to serve the national interests of radio amateurs? Certain of you
and the Exec. Director hide behind CT private associations law which the
state protects like Delaware does its Corporations Law due to its benefits
for management. But if you keep up these actions, unrepresentative of
national amateurs needs and encouraging punitive measures against directors
and members who disagree with positions of the Exec. Director or other
Directors, you will compel hams to band together to:

1. Withhold ARRL dues and contributions to reduce its cash flow until
corrective action is taken by the BOD; and/or

2. Hire serious Hartford corporations counsel who know how to navigate the
rocks and shoals of CT private associations law in litigation to straighten
out certain directors selfish and manipulative actions.

I hope the Board will seriously consider the outpouring of dissatisfaction
at the proposed attempts to consolidate power in certain individuals of the
administration and BOD.


Larry Serra, Esq. N6NC
H. Lawrence Serra, Esq. (CV attached)

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