[SCCC] BOD Slow Down!

Hank Garretson w6sx at arrl.net
Mon Jan 15 09:40:02 EST 2018

On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 9:26 PM, Steve Lund via Chat <chat at ncdxc.org> wrote:

> There is still one troubling section in EC-8 about re-calling directors.

The whole tar baby stinks.

Some real improvements, some cosmetic changes. It is all happening too fast
without real debate.

Here is an email I sent to all directors Sunday.

Please slow down and do it right.
> The League has survived for over one-hundred years without the bylaws
> changes proposed by N2YBB and K5UZ. There is no pressing need to rush them
> through. They need more sunshine and debate. I urge you to fully publicize
> the proposed changes, telling hams why you think they are needed and why
> they are good. Solicit feedback. Encourage two-way discussion.
> Currently hams almost universally think that the board is an entity
> unresponsive to outside influence. Please first find out what members think
> and want, and then use your best judgement.
> Pressing needs for the upcoming board meeting are
> 1. Rescind N6AA censure.
> 2, Tone down the code of conduct.
> Fraternally,
> Hank Garretson, W6SX
> Charter Life Member

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