Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Sep 10 01:13:38 EDT 2018

                  SPRINTCW Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2018-09-09

     CallSign Used : W4EF
       Operator(s) : W4EF

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
              Band : ALL
             Power : HIGH
              Mode : CW

         Club/Team : Southern California Contest Club
                     SCCC Team #2

          Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.7268.0

         Band     QSOs     Pts  Sec  Pt/Q
          3.5      80      80    1   1.0
            7     106     106   15   1.0
           14      67      67   27   1.0
        Total     253     253   43   1.0

             Score : 10,879
               Rig : Elecraft K3 + KPA-500

          Antennas : Parallel fed 40/20 Inverted-V dipoles with apex 37ft
                     80M 55ft vertical with lots of radials

           Soapbox : Aside from daily RufzXP CW practice sessions, I 
haven't been doing much ham radio this summer, so it was fun to get my 
butt in the chair for a few hours. It felt like the RufzXP training paid 
some dividends with my CW copying skills. I still asked for my fair 
share of repeats, but often the repeat just confirmed what I thought I 
heard the first time. I didn't a lot of band changes, but I am sure glad 
I hopped back to 40 meters with about 10 minutes to go. That netted two 
new multipliers (Rhode Island and Nevada). I also heard Felipe NP4Z in 
Puerto Rico, but I couldn't make the connection. Great fun!

73, Mike W4EF..............

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