[SCCC] FT4 on 14.080

Dave Hachadorian k6ll.dave at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 16:24:59 EDT 2019

Here is some more info.  Note the frequencies, use of non-contest mode, 
expiration date, and the 64-bit version's sound card issue.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

By now most of you know about the FT4 protocol under development for
eventual release in WSJT-X 2.1.0.  The new mode is particularly
optimized for use in radio contesting.

FT4 is mostly like FT8, but is 2.5 x faster, uses 1.8 x the bandwidth,
and is 4.6 dB less sensitive.  Many other details are summarized in "The
FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting", available here:
Links to translations in other languages are available on the WSJT-X web

Release candidate WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 is intended for beta-testing through
June 7, 2019.  Please note that the FT4 mode should NOT be used in the
ARRL June VHF QSO Party (June 8-10) or ARRL Field Day (June 22-23).

We have done our best to provide suggested operating frequencies for the
test period consistent as far as possible with world-wide band plans and
existing usage.  Please note that thanks to good user feedback, some of
these frequencies are different from those suggested in the document
linked above.

Default frequencies currently recommended for FT4 are as follows:

Band   MHz    Notes
80    3.575   (3.568 MHz in Region 3)
40    7.047
30   10.140
20   14.080
17   18.104
15   21.140
12   24.919
10   28.180
  6   50.318
  2  144.170

FT4 is designed for contesting, but it will likely find some use for
normal QSOs as well, especially during the beta test period.  In the
coming month we hope to receive useful feedback on the user interface,
message sequencing, interaction with logging programs, etc.  Probably
it's best to use "normal" (non-contest) messages except during the
mock-contest practice sessions scheduled for 0000 - 0100 UTC on May 9
and May 14, and (if needed) June 5.

Downloadable installation packages for WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 under Windows,
Linux, and macOS are available on the WSJT-X web page:


Windows users will discover that WSJT-X v2.1.0 has been made available
as a 64-bit MS Windows build for 64-bit versions of Windows since Vista.
This veraion has one known defect. The audio input device level will be
reset to 100% when WSJT-X is started, when the input audio device is
changed, and when switching to a new configuration. This is a Qt
framework defect that we have reported and is being fixed in a future
release; until then users should take care to set the device audio level
back to 0dB or lower depending on requirements. Note that many sound
cards and chips have real gain ahead of the ADC, as much as 14dB, which
will be turned to the maximum due to this defect and is usually
undesirable when using WSJT-X.

Despite this annoying defect, we recommend the 64-bit version of WSJT-X
on MS Windows as it has significant advantages in decoding speed.

-- 73 from Joe, K1JT; Steve, K9AN; and Bill, G4WJS

-----Original Message----- 
From: Dr. Howard S. White
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:07 PM
To: sddxcnews at yahoogroups.com ; SCCC Reflector(sccc at contesting.com)
Subject: [SCCC] FT4 on 14.080

The new super fast contest/dx digital mode FT4 is booming on 14.080 since 

Its 2.5x faster than FT8 Sequences only take 6 seconds

I have already worked about 20 countries and lots of locals

Details are found here

Software is found here  WSJT-X 2.1.0:
You can download wsjtx-2.1.0-rc5-win64.exe (or for other O/S) from near the 
bottom of the page at

Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
Website: www.ky6la.com<http://www.ky6la.com/>
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