[SCCC] Fwd: N1MM+ Keyboard Shortcut?

Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 20:52:37 EST 2019

So, in CW contesting, I suppose the next best solution to calling CQ in
slow times and doing something else on the PC is to read from a Kindle (or
Nook) app for PC on one side of the screen and keep N1MM+ (or another
logger) on the other side--always WITH focus! (Or to read anything in a
browser like that that you just scroll and don't click on anything else.)

That way, you can scroll the mouse wheel while you're reading (N1MM+
maintains focus) and when someone answers your CQ you can immediately type
it in the Entry Window.

Almost perfect, albeit limiting to just reading stuff, but that's not bad.
Can't get away from using the mouse though... Scroll Lock (using down arrow
key) doesn't seem to work in this case.

Any comments or suggestions? Do something else that doesn't require a
computer, I know...


Bob NC6Q

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bob Grubic <bobgrubic at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 11:03 AM
Subject: N1MM+ Keyboard Shortcut?
To: Southern California Contest Club <SCCC at contesting.com>

While operating in a slow contest calling CQ (like the ARRL 10 Meter
Contest) and having multiple windows open on the shack computer to "do
other things," is there a way to quickly respond to a station responding
*without* reaching for the mouse? Like, is there a (built-in keyboard
shortcut for returning focus to the Entry Window of N1MM+ to be able to
type in the incoming call letters?


Bob NC6Q

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