[SCCC] For sale

JOHN SCHROEDER n6qq at msn.com
Sun Dec 22 01:27:15 EST 2019

      A friend of mine, Harry, ex-KH6EYL is moving back to Hawaii.  He has a couple of pieces of ham radio gear that he would like to get rid of.

      The items are 1. A Kenwood R599 receiver with manual.

      The other is a Hammarlund HQ110 receiver.

       He also has a few other items, a bug, straight key, mike, soldering iron,  etc.

          He lives in Placentia but has sold his house and will be leaving soon.  He will be moving back to Hawaii.

       His cell phone number is 714-714-600-0278.

73 -- John, N6QQ

ARRL and CQ awards QSL checker


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