[SCCC] SCCC Digest, Vol 194, Issue 1

k6xt k6xt at arrl.net
Fri Feb 1 12:49:34 EST 2019

I sure can. Direction is NE from me too. I may have it identified. This 
morning I noticed there is a group of traffic handlers on 13993kHz USB 
at the time the jamming is active. So I listened in. They are using MARS 
type callsigns like:

J, S, 8DG, A, 7PH, D, High Card Golf, High Card Romeo, High card Juliet, 
8S, S9 and some others. High Card Romeo was identified as a NCS. Many of 
these, the one-two-three letter calls, apparently are abbreviations. 
During my listening it appears that 7PH was further identified as AAR7PH.

A few days ago I sent a question to Dan N1ND the ARRL regulations guy 
asking if he knew about the "jamming on 14000-140035. Here's his reply 
to me:


Hi Art

I am sending this on to the person who works with the Amateur Auxiliary who would be the go to person on this...


Dan Henderson, N1ND
Assistant Secretary – American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Regulatory Information Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio
dhenderson at arrl.org
 From which I assume the culprit is a "Amateur Auxiliary" member.

A signal duplicating the jammer inside 20M appears on 13993 when those folks have traffic to exchange. They coordinate the net by voice, pass traffic with that digital signal. The net often refers to "ALE" which I assume is one of the forest of digital modulations.

I sent another email to N1ND today summarizing my findings of this morning, and offering to send a K3/P3 screenshot plus audio recording. We'll see what happens next, which could be no response. I can envision the miscreant slinking off of 20M never to be heard again, and that's our resolution.

73 Art K6XT~~
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

On 19/02/01 10:00 AM, sccc-request at contesting.com wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:32:48 -0800
> From: Tree<tree at kkn.net>
> To: Joe<nss at mwt.net>
> Cc:sccc at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [SCCC] Intruder on 20 Meters
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAKF9HhaE_XimiwQgcqm+Zh-kxXNcJ0MxfAAvO1Uyr=_H3+deHQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> It was very loud this morning before I left for work.  Based upon reports I
> have seen - it is perhaps coming from Europe.  Here in Oregon - seemed to
> be coming in somewhat North of East - as the signal dropped quite a bit as
> I got around to 120 degrees.  Didn't have more time to get a more accurate
> reading on it.
> Tree N6TR/7

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