[SCCC] Help with MMTTY

Don Minkoff cowchip at ca.rr.com
Sun Feb 24 12:44:57 EST 2019

A short history of my station.  I have a K3 and use MMTTY with Data mode 
AFSK,45 bps, and use 1275, 170, lower sideband.  I prefer the lower 
tone.  This has been my setup for many many years.  Everything worked 
fine during the WPX RTTY contest and even last Friday when I set up with 
N1MM plus for the NAQP and made a few Q's.  The only thing new in the 
shack is I am now using a Signalink USB instead of the PC modem.

The new problem is I am off frequency.  I had no answers calling 
people.  When I called CQ  I had to use the RIT to tune down 24Hz to 
copy correctly.  This happens  in both the stand alone MMTTY and running 
under N1MM.

Can someone share their profile with me? Their settings?  Shed some 
light as to what I am doing wrong?

I had a saved profile from 2011 but that did the same thing.



Don Minkoff

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