[SCCC] General Logging Program Suggestions
Tim Goeppinger
timgep at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 30 13:41:28 EST 2019
I am glad that you are recognizing that N1MM is good for contests, and not as a general log.
For fast QSO entry, I suggest FLE - Fast Log Entry. It is designed for people who have contest or expedition logs to convert from
paper to computer log. https://www.df3cb.com/fle/ The more the QSOs are grouped by time, mode and band, the easier it goes.
For example, lets say you work K3LR at 1553z and KH6LC at 1557z on the same day, mode and band.
All you enter is this
1553 K3LR
Only change between the QSOs is entered, in this case, the last digit of the time. An ADIF file is saved for importation into another log program.
I will put in a plug for N3FJP AC Log. http://www.n3fjp.com/aclog.html It is a one time fee of $25, but the software is well supported by the author. Their handling of uploading
and downloading QSOs to LOTW makes it easy. I helped someone with DX4WIN last summer, and that program is 2 generations behind in the way it handles LOTW. DXkeeper is a good
free choice too.
Tim N6GP
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