[SCCC] Bosch Dishwasher is 599 in Kitchen

Don Minkoff cowchip at ca.rr.com
Wed May 15 16:04:28 EDT 2019

Bosch finally got back to me and could not fix or duplicate my water 
valve issue.  I don't think they could even transmit an RF signal at 
700W, but regardless, my problem is fixed.  They did offer to buy back 
the dishwasher at full cost. A sure sign of a defect.

I pulled out the dishwasher and installed two type 31 Ferrite snap on 
cores on the AC line next to the washer. Transmitted up to 1300 W 
without any solenoids turning on. YEH!

Don't know what the function of a box on the AC line cord is that the 
dishwasher is attached to but all is now good.  Ready to chase rare DX 
and contest.

Don Minkoff

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