[SCCC] WI6X ARRL 10-Meter Contest - 2020 SO Mixed HP

wi6x.73 at gmail.com wi6x.73 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 21:36:40 EST 2020

Got the house and tree decorated for Christmas and played radio at the same time…not a bad weekend for a newbie with wires.
Jim, WI6X
ARRL 10-Meter Contest - 2020

Call: WI6X
Operator(s): WI6X
Station: WI6X

Class: SO Mixed HP
QTH: Irvine, California
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  72     24
  SSB:   5      2
Total:  77     26  Total Score = 7,748
Club: Southern California Contest Club

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