[SCCC] ARRL 10 Meter Contest 2020

Barry Fitchew n6voh1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 03:33:04 EST 2020

Call: N6VOH
Operator(s): N6VOH
Station: N6VOH

Class: SO Mixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 16

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:   90    25
  SSB:   24     5
Total:  114    30  Total Score = 12,240

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Ran this contest from a secondary QTH with a very simple station. An IC-7300 (90
watts), computer for logging and the antenna built just before the contest , a
10 meter delta loop up 25ft. I had a good time and was glad to see the 10 meter
activity. That's a good sign of what's to come. Thanks to everyone who pulled me
out of the noise. Heard and worked lots of familiar calls.  Overall had a good
time in this contest and already looking forward to next year.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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