Drew Arnett arnett.drew at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:46:18 EDT 2020

All 40m + 1 Q on 20. Knocking off rust from key that's built up since
CQP.  Had built a 26 ft vertical with cap hat on a lark last winter,
so good chance to see how that played.  Antenna itself not bad for the
kind, location isn't great.  Was able to work W and VE KL7 and KH6
fine.  Wish I had started earlier in the evening, as worked a couple
of ZLs and VKs before their local sunset.  I wasn't digging for DX,
but did hear one or two EU early on.  Logging SW claimed 4,000 points
for a very modest contribution to the SCCC total.  47 Qs 43 mults.


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