[SCCC] What are everyone's plans for June VHF Contest This Weekend?

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Jun 9 14:18:21 EDT 2020

Hi Paul,

Since I haven't seen a reply to your question, here's the applicable rule:

1.14 All entrants, regardless of category, are permitted to use spotting assistance or nets including but not limited to DX-alerting nets, internet chat rooms, APRS and other packet, reverse beacon networks and repeaters to identify stations available for contacts and to announce (self-spot) their availability for contacts. Announcements shall be limited to call sign, location, band or frequency, mode and–if applicable–transmitting sequence and listening direction. These methods of spotting assistance may also be used to coordinate antenna peaking prior to initiation of the contact and to explain contest rules, such as the exchange required, for those who need clarification. Such assistance may not be used to facilitate the completion of any contact once the contact has commenced. This means such assistance may not be used to convey receipt or non-receipt of any required element of a contact or to request a repeat of any required element of a contact.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

----- Original Message -----
From: "SCCC Reflector" <sccc at contesting.com>
To: "Tim Goeppinger" <timgep at hotmail.com>, "Marty Woll" <n6vi at socal.rr.com>
Cc: "SCCC Reflector" <sccc at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:38:07 AM
Subject: Re: [SCCC] What are everyone's plans for June VHF Contest This Weekend?

Hi Tim and Marty

Thanks for the feedback.

I think I read this but I’ll ask here; can we self spot in this contest? 

If yes, is www.dxsummit.fi as good as anywhere or alternatively what do you recommend as a spotting site?

Paul Gacek

> On Jun 9, 2020, at 10:07 AM, Tim Goeppinger <timgep at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Awesome, Paul!
> I will look for you.
> Answers to your questions:
>  1.   Very little 2m FT8.  I use it for long-haul shots up north.  Coordinate with the gang at www.n6sjv.org<http://www.n6sjv.org>  to make skeds.  You should be able to hit Sacramento on 2m FT8.
>  2.    Yes, bring a handheld for  222, 440 and 900 and 1296.  I have 222 FM, and many others here will want to work you on the higher bands.
> Be safe out there hiking.
> 73,
> Tim N6GP
> Paul Gacek w6png at yahoo.com<mailto:sccc%40contesting.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BSCCC%5D%20What%20are%20everyone%27s%20plans%20for%20June%20VHF%20Contest%20This%20Weekend%3F&In-Reply-To=%3C23171B90-0A70-4A26-9546-2DDAB113A8D9%40yahoo.com%3E>
> Tue Jun 9 12:18:05 EDT 2020
>  *   Previous message (by thread): [SCCC] What are everyone's plans for June VHF Contest This Weekend?<http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/sccc/2020-June/011906.html>
>  *   Messages sorted by: [ date ]<http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/sccc/2020-June/date.html#11907> [ thread ]<http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/sccc/2020-June/thread.html#11907> [ subject ]<http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/sccc/2020-June/subject.html#11907> [ author ]<http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/sccc/2020-June/author.html#11907>
> ________________________________
> I plan on hiking up to Throop Peak (9,100 ft) in the San Gabriel mountains. It has great visibility west, north and south. I’ll be on HF first as its a SOTA peak and then from 11am until the batteries die on 2m etc.
> I’m planning on lugging my 857D and as many batteries as I can hike in and a 2m HO loop.
> Questions for this experienced group;
> 1) What level of 2m FT8 activity should I expect in this event (none, some, lots?)
> 2) Is 222, 440 and 900 and 1296 on FM via a handheld of any value?
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