[SCCC] Portable Laptop for Field Use with KX3

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Sun Nov 1 20:34:11 EST 2020


Looks like there are 12V to 19V DC-DC converters available for powering laptops. Here's a recent review of one:


73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Gordon N6LL" <n6ll at pacbell.net>
To: "SCCC Reflector" <sccc at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 1, 2020 5:26:12 PM
Subject: Re: [SCCC] Portable Laptop for Field Use with KX3

Hi David,

I'll be interested in what you learn about laptops. I've heard that some 
will work on "12 V" even though their wall wart makes 18 to charge the 
internal battery.

"Ruggedized" laptops may have brighter screens for use in police cars, 
or in the field. I think a Kindle-type screen would be interesting, 
though too slow for most uses. Maybe as an external display?

Get a USB to Elecraft cable from Elecraft. (I have a spare you could 
try.) It carries the frequency data.

I use a K1EL keyer to key the transmitter. It translates USB 8-bit 
alphanumeric to open collector cw code. Theoretically, fast modern 
computers don't need the K1EL, but then you'd need a USB to RS-232 
converter. See N6TV.

Paul N6LL

On 11/1/2020 4:46 PM, David Hodge wrote:
> Hello, All.
> Does anyone have experience with DC externally powered laptops or tablets for field use?
> I would like to get something that can be powered from a car battery or LiFePo battery, 12 to 14 Volt range.
> The corollary question is how to interface it with a KX3.
> Transcribing paper logs is getting old.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas/leads.
> David N6AN
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