Michael Geoghegan michael at gigavox.com
Tue Oct 6 19:43:23 EDT 2020

I’ll be set up on Signal Peak in DM13.

Mike KX6A

> On Oct 6, 2020, at 3:25 PM, Tim Goeppinger <timgep at hotmail.com> wrote:
> For  many of us the last VHF contest of 2020 is this week!   (For those of  you with microwave gear the Microwave 902MHz and up is  8AM to 2PM local  time on Saturday, October 10, 2020  )
> If  there is time, lets test out all 3 modes - phone CW and Digital  (only 1  counts in the contest).   Personally, my rig isn't stable enough for  FT8, but others of you can try it out.
> Suggested freqs:
> FM   446.000 with 446.020 as alternate (this will be BUSY)  vertical polarization
> SSB   432.1   (horizontal polarization)
> FT8    432.174
> CW   432.090
> I think 2020 will be remembered as a golden time for VHF Contesting in  So Calif, and let's finish it on a high note!    The Spring 440 event was  a blast!   Let's make some noise on Wednesday night, at least for a couple of  hours.
> I will be in the hills above Orange again.  See you then!
> 73,
> Tim N6GP
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