Alexander Sherman w6afa at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 25 20:17:44 EDT 2020

The propagation was pretty bad at my QTH. 🙁
The Asian stations were most prominent. The Europe was really bad.
Still was lot of fun  🙂

Band   QSOs   QSOs   QSOs   QSOs  Mul1   Mul2      Pts

 160m      0      0      0      0     0      0        0
  80m      0      0      0      0     0      0        0
  40m      0      0      0      0     0      0        0
  20m    821      0     16      0    82     30     1764
  15m      0      0      0      0     0      0        0
  10m      0      0      0      0     0      0        0

  all    821      0     16      0    82     30     1764

Final result = 1764 * (82 + 30) = 197.568

Alex Sherman (W6AFA)
w6afa at hotmail.com<mailto:w6afa at hotmail.com>
Studio City, CA 91604

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