[SCCC] Incredibly Noisy Power Supply

Ken Alker ka6ken at alker.net
Fri Apr 23 14:30:45 EDT 2021

--On Friday, April 23, 2021 10:11 AM -0700 Steve <k0xp at k0xp.com> wrote:


>> I own Santa Barbara Electronics Supply.  We are the old MarVac/DOW
>> in this area (similar to Radio Shack of the 70's).
> I'm not sure what DOW means...

They bought Dow Electronics in Santa Barbara 20-30 years ago and renamed it 
MarVac/Dow then dropped "Dow" after a while.  I took over that store about 
6 years ago when they decided they didn't want to serve this market any 

> but yes, I often shopped at the Costa Mesa
> MarVac before the pandemic. They were my vendor of choice for a lot of
> common stuff and I hope they reopen their doors before long.

They are open, to my knowledge.

> Onna my best
> buys were their LED strip lamps, especially when I discovered they also
> sold the special 0.5 mm power connectors (or whatever that tiny, special
> size is), I simply made regulated linear power supplies for my strips and
> hey el presto: completely adjustable, non-RF-polluting lights for my
> workbench and operating desk  8-D I didn't know there was more than one
> MarVac, however.

I think they had up to 15(?) of them in the 70's(?) up and down the CA 
coast.  HQ was and still is Costa Mesa - it is the only one left.


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