[SCCC] 222 And Up Contest this Weekend

Ryan Noguchi ai6do at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 6 18:30:48 EDT 2021

FYI, the contest runs from 1800Z Saturday to 1759Z Sunday. Wouldn't want you to miss an hour of prime time at the start!
I plan to focus on NAQP CW on Saturday, but will try to keep an ear out on 432.100. 
Best of luck to you and Endaf. 

73, Ryan AI6DO

    On Thursday, August 5, 2021, 10:23:23 PM PDT, Tim Goeppinger <timgep at hotmail.com> wrote:  
 It is sad to see that 2 contests essentially sponsored by the ARRL are competing against one another this weekend.    I am jumping into the 222 and Up Contest, mainly to
test out my 222 Ukranian Transverter.  N6UTC and I will be roving to the Grapevine exit of the I-5 to work up into the valley.

Me and N6UTC will be at Grapevine at start of 222+ contest (1900z Sat) for a few hours.  Probably going to DM05 flatlands. I will be on 222 and 70cm SSB, CW and FM.
Endaf, N6UTC will be on 902.1 FM and 1294.5 FM, in addition to 222 and 70cm.

We will return to the LA basin in the late afternoon and would appreciate any QSOs you can muster.  Remember - the exchange is your 6 digit grid.  Look it up!
Its a 24 hour contest until 1859z Sunday.  Not sure if I will be on Sunday morning.


Tim N6GP
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